How to Recycle Shipping Material

Mailing Envelope
Remove shipping tape on outside of mailing envelope. Toss tape in trash.
Cut off shipping label from envelope with scissors. Toss in trash.
Remove shipping materials used for protecting cosmetics. Paper wrap is recyclable. Place in mixed paper recycle.
Bubble wrap toss or reuse. Green bubble wrap is biodegradable.
Paper shipping envelope is recyclable. Place in mixed paper recycle.
Shipments in Boxes
Remove shipping tape on outside of box. Toss tape in trash.
Remove shipping materials used for protecting cosmetics. Paper wrap is recyclable. Place in mixed paper recycle.
Shipping peanuts are biodegradable. Reuse, if possible, otherwise toss in trash.
Bubble wrap toss or reuse. Green bubble wrap is biodegradable.
Flatten box and place in cardboard recycle.